We’ve been Wendy and Laurence for twenty years and while some may say we met each other late in life, we agree it was the perfect time.


Wendy was bitten by the travel bug early in life working on cruise ships. Wendy began to appreciate different cultures and experiences working alongside crew members from around the world.

A young traveling Wendy
A young traveling Wendy

Subsequent jobs allowed her to continue to travel, and whatever time Wendy had off was spent doing more exploration.

Wendy's always cooking something up!
Wendy’s always cooking something up!


Born in England, Laurence most likely got his wanderlust from splitting his youth between the rural county of Suffolk in England and the heart of Texas and its capitol, Austin.

The summers in his teens were spent with a truck-driving uncle as they delivered good across Europe. He After living from coast to coast in the United States, luck would lead him to Fort Lauderdale Florida to meet the love of his life, Wendy.